As a CFI, you’ve taught us a thing or two about aviation. We can do the same when it comes to explaining your aircraft insurance options. Whether you’re an instructor/owner, borrowing or renting aircraft, full-time or part-time, we can provide comprehensive coverage for both professional and personal use. In fact, it’s our pleasure.
As a CFI, you’re covered for loss or occurrences arising from your professional liability during completed flight instruction services, flight reviews, or a check ride conducted by you in a rented aircraft.
For personal and cfi non-owned aircraft insurance contact us for a custom quote
Aviation insurance for instructors can be confusing. We can answer all your questions, walk you through the coverage options, and explain how the policy protects you.
If you own your own aircraft and provide, or wish to provide, instruction, give us a call for a custom quote on your aircraft policy to cover your activities as a CFI.